

Office of district Collector is located in Chhindand area of Baikunthpur. It is located on NH 43 of Katni to Gumla Highways .
Collectorate parishar has many department, some  as follows:

  1. Zila panchayat Korea -It is located near by Collector campus 
  2. Food Department
  3. Revenue Department
  4. National informatics center(NIC)
  5. District Public relation Office
  6. Treasury Office
  7. Department of Tribal and Schedule Caste
  8. District Election Office
  9. District Excise  Office
  10. Census and Statistical Office
  11. District Labor Office
  12. GM District Industries Centre (DIC)
  13. Antyavysayi office
  14. Employment office etc.


View of Collectorate Office from Road

Main gate

Collectorate Main Gate

Collectorate Building

Collectorate Main Building