
Disaster Management

CThe Disaster Management Act, 2005 (DM Act 2005) provides institutional and coordinating mechanisms for effective disaster management at national, state, district and local level.Essentially, the Government of India formulated a multi-level institutional system, in which National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the Prime Minister, State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) headed by Chief Minister and District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) under the chairmanship of District Collectors and local bodies are chaired by co-chairing.

Disaster is the result of natural or man-made causes; this creates serious disruption in the functioning of a society, thereby causing massive harm to humans, physics or the environment. The social and economic protection procedures available to cope with are inadequate, so the dangerous distress is actually a disaster. Korea district is particularly vulnerable to the dangers of flood, drought, and Lightning.

District Disaster Management Authority
S.No. Government Rank Post authority
1 District Collector/District Magistrate Chairperson
2 Superintendent of Police Member
3 Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Zilla Panchayat Member
3 Additional Collector Member
4 Chief Medical & Health Officer Member
5 Executive Engineer, PWD Department Member
6 Executive Engineer, Irrigation Department Member
7 District Commondent, Home Gaurds Member