

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Advertisement for deputation of Swami Atmanand Excellent Hindi Medium School Management Committee Kharwat, Baikunthpur, Pondi

Swami Atmanand Excellent Hindi Medium School Management Committee Kharwat, Baikunthpur, Pondi

Advertisement for deputation of Swami Atmanand Excellent Hindi Medium School Management Committee Kharwat, Baikunthpur, Pondi


23/08/2022 31/08/2022 View (1 MB)
Swami Atmanand Excellent English Medium School Management Committee Mahalpara Chirimiri Bharatpur Manendragarh Sonhat

Advertisement for contractual recruitment for vacant posts of teaching cadre in Swami Atmanand Government Excellent English Medium School Management Committee Mahalpara Chirimiri Bharatpur Manendragarh Sonhat

23/08/2022 31/08/2022 View (4 MB)
Final List of Eligible Candidates after claim-objection resolution

Office of District Education Officer Baikunthpur Korea Chhattisgarh
Final list for Swami Atmanand Government Excellent English Medium School Management Committee Podi, Baikunthpur, Kelhari after claim-objection resolution

27/08/2022 30/08/2022 View (216 KB) सहा. शि. विज्ञान (अ.ज.जा.) अंतिम वरीयता (106 KB) सहा. शि. गणित अंतिम वरीयता (125 KB) सहा. शि. गणित (अ.ज.जा.) अंतिम वरीयता (105 KB) सहा. शि. कला अंतिम वरीयता (135 KB) शिक्षक विज्ञान अंतिम वरीयता (479 KB) शिक्षक गणित अंतिम वरीयता (715 KB) शिक्षक कला अंतिम वरीयता (138 KB) व्याख्याता सामाजिक विज्ञान अंतिम वरीयता (670 KB) व्याख्याता रसायन अंतिम वरीयता (1 MB) व्याख्याता भौतिकी अंतिम वरीयता (936 KB) व्याख्याता जीव विज्ञान अंतिम वरीयता (2 MB) व्याख्याता गणित अंतिम वरीयता (1 MB) ज्ञापन (1) (457 KB) दावा आपत्ति (527 KB) प्र. सहा. भौतिक रसायन अ.ज.जा. अंतिम वरियता (3 MB) शिक्षक अंग्रेजी अंतिम वरीयता (106 KB) व्याख्याता अंग्रेजी अंतिम वरीयता (2 MB) प्रयोगशाला सहा.जीव विज्ञान अंतिम वरीयता सूची (984 KB) ज्ञापन (1) (457 KB) प्र. सहा. भौतिक रसायन अंतिम वरीयता _compressed (3 MB)
Teacher Cadre Eligible-Eligible List for Swami Atmanand Government Excellent English Medium School Management Committee Podi, Baikunthpur, Kelhari

Office of District Education Officer Baikunthpur Korea Chhattisgarh
Teacher Cadre Eligible-Eligible List for Swami Atmanand Government Excellent English Medium School Management Committee Podi, Baikunthpur, Kelhari

17/08/2022 22/08/2022 View (911 KB) प्रयोगशाला सहायक (जीवविज्ञान) अपात्र UR (239 KB) प्रयोगशाला सहायक भौतिक रसायन अपात्र UR (288 KB) प्रयोगशाला सहायक भौतिक रसायन अपात्र st (111 KB) सहायक शिक्षक विज्ञान अ.ज.जा अपात्र सूची (273 KB) सहायक शिक्षक विज्ञान अनारक्षित का अपात्र सूची (877 KB) सहायक शिक्षक गणित अनारक्षित अपात्र सूची (806 KB) सहायक शिक्षक गणित अ.ज.जा अपात्र सूची (214 KB) सहायक शिक्षक कला अनारक्षित अपात्र सूची (613 KB) शिक्षक विज्ञान अपात्र सूची ur (340 KB) शिक्षक कला अपात्र सूची ur (648 KB) शिक्षक इंग्लिश अपात्र सूची ur (385 KB) शिक्षक गणित अपात्र सूची ur (649 KB) व्याख्याता रसायन अपात्र सूची (347 KB) व्याख्याता जीव विज्ञान अपात्र सूची (515 KB) Assistant Teacher Arts General Catagory Eligible List (2 MB) Assistant Teacher Math General Catagory Eligible List (482 KB) Assistant Teacher Math ST Catagory Eligible List (1,009 KB) Assistant Teacher Science General Catagory Eligible List (660 KB) Assistant Teacher Science ST Catagory Eligible List (394 KB) प्रयोगशाला सहायक जीवविज्ञान पात्र UR (899 KB) प्रयोगशाला सहायक भौतिक रसायन पात्र st (492 KB) प्रयोगशाला सहायक भौतिक रसायन पात्र UR (2 MB) व्याख्याता (जीव विज्ञान) पात्र सूची अनारक्षित (1,011 KB) व्याख्याता (भौतिकी) पात्र सूची अनारक्षित (416 KB) व्याख्याता (सामा.विज्ञान) पात्र सूची अनारक्षित (342 KB) व्याख्याता अंग्रेजी अपात्र सूची (603 KB) व्याख्याता गणित अपात्र सूची (502 KB) व्याख्याता गणित(पात्र सूची)अनारक्षित (529 KB) व्याख्याता भौतिकी अपात्र सूची (272 KB) व्याख्याता रसायन(पात्र सूची) अनारक्षित (638 KB) व्याख्याता सामाजिक विज्ञान अपात्र सूची (250 KB) व्याख्याता(अग्रेजी) पात्र सूची अनारक्षित (1 MB) शिक्षक अंग्रेजी पात्र सूची (107 KB) शिक्षक कला पात्र सूची (202 KB) शिक्षक गणित पात्र सूची (757 KB) शिक्षक विज्ञान पात्र सूची (484 KB)
Advertisement for temporary recruitment on the posts of Special Educator

Office of District Education Officer Baikunthpur District Korea Chhattisgarh
Advertisement for temporary recruitment on the posts of Special Educator

22/07/2022 05/08/2022 View (2 MB)
Advertisement of Contractual Recruitment for the post for vacant Teaching/ Non-Teaching cadre in Swami Atmanand Government English School Podi, Baikunthpur, Kelhari in the district Korea

District Education Officer Baikunthpur, District- Korea
Swami Atmanand Government English School Management Committee District Korea
Advertisement of Contractual Recruitment for the post for vacant Teaching/ Non-Teaching cadre in Swami Atmanand Government English School Podi, Baikunthpur, Kelhari in the district Korea

13/07/2022 29/07/2022 View (4 MB)
Walk-in-interview for guest teacher for teaching English medium in the academic session 2022-23 in Eklavya Model Residential School operated in Korea District

Office Collector (Tribal Development) Korea Chhattisgarh
Walk-in-interview for guest teacher for teaching English medium in the academic session 2022-23 in Eklavya Model Residential School operated in Korea District

17/06/2022 27/06/2022 View (4 MB) form (2 MB)
Eligible-ineligible list of contractual recruitment under grant for the fifteenth finance commission session 2021-22

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer District Korea Chhattisgarh
Eligible-ineligible list of contractual recruitment under grant for the fifteenth finance commission session 2021-22

15/06/2022 22/06/2022 View (203 KB) SN (2 MB) MPW (1 MB) DEO (Jr. S A) (2 MB) class 4th (2 MB)
Advertisement for the appointment of District Project Coordinator and Regional Worker in the Office of Collector (Tribal Development) District Korea

Office of Collector (Tribal Development) District Korea Chhattisgarh
Advertisement for the appointment of District Project Coordinator and Regional Worker in the Office of Collector (Tribal Development) District Korea

08/06/2022 13/06/2022 View (1 MB)
Contract Recruitment Advertisement for the post for vacant teaching cadre in Swami Atmanand Government English School Sonhat, Bharatpur, Manendragarh in the district

Office of District Education Officer Baikunthpur Korea
Swami Atmanand Government English School Management Committee District Korea
Contract Recruitment Advertisement for the post for vacant teaching cadre in Swami Atmanand Government English School Sonhat, Bharatpur, Manendragarh in the district

21/05/2022 30/05/2022 View (2 MB)